Boris Eldagsen — a notable figure in the intersection of photography and digital media

Boris Eldagsen Boris Eldagsen (*1970) studied fine arts at the art academies of Mainz and Prague, and the University of Hyderabad (India) - as well as philosophy at the universities of Cologne and Mainz.

As a photomedia artist, he has exhibited in international institutions and festivals since 2000, including Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, CCP Melbourne, Singapore International Photography Festival, and Kochi-Muziris Biennale.

As a freelance strategist and ideas generator, he has worked since 2001 for international ad and marketing agencies. Since 2004 he has been teaching at art colleges in Australia, Asia and Europe and gives workshops for the Goethe Institute, festivals and museums.

Boris is Head of Digital at the German Photographic Academy, a member of the DGPh and digital advisor to Roger Ballen. His background as a university lecturer, photo artist and digital media freelancer make him one of the AI experts in the German photography scene.

In April 2023, he turned down the Sony World Photography Awards (Open Category /Creative) and admitted that he had entered an AI-generated image to initiate a debate about the relationship between AI-generated images and photography. The stunt became worldwide news and his image THE ELECTRICIAN one of the most famous of the year.